Calakmul. The jewel in the jungle

As a backbone the chain of hills called Puuc in mayan crosses the Yucatan Peninsula. There, on the red and fertile land, the Maya built many of their cities and flourished for centuries.

In Uxmal, the largest and most impressive of these cities, the ancient Maya architecture reached sublime levels in an effort to communicate with the gods. In Kabah, a prayer in stone, a temple dedicated to Chaak, the god of rain and sustainer of life, rises as a silent witness of a time of splendor.

Visiting: Archaeological sites of Uxmal and Kabah. Choco Story Museum.

Pick up: 8:00 am

Meeting point: Hotel lobby.

Duration: 9 hrs.








  1. Meeting in the hotel lobby.
  2. Arrival and guided tour in Kabah to see among others the Codz Pop, great example of Puuc architectural style, with hundreds of mosaic stones representing the gods of earth fertility.
  3. Departure to Uxmal. Here the Maya reached levels of architectural mastery seldom seen. In Uxmal are some of the most famous and interesting buildings in Mesoamerica: the Quadrangle of the Nuns, the Temple of the Magician and the beautiful Governor's Palace.
  4. Time for lunch.
  5. Visit to the Chocolate Museum to learn the history of this gift from the Mayas to the world.
  6. Return to Campeche.


Includes: Transportation, certified tour guide, entrance fees and bottled water. Food is not included.

Recommended age: All ages.

Recommendations: Comfortable clothing and shoes, cap or hat, sunscreen, bugs spray.

Season: All year.

Frequency: Daily.

Languages: Spanish and English.